June 7, 2012

Psst....where did May go?

As one of my all-time favorite picture book characters says...
HOLY GUACAMOLE!  Where did the month of May go?

I'm astouded... I'm speechless... I'm confused... I honestly do not know what happened in the month of May.  It's all a blur.

One - School Ended

I'm excited to have finished up a year teaching 4th grade in Texas. And... guess what?!?  I'm coming back to 4th grade again next year.   Although it will actually be my 4th year in 4th grade (say that 5 times fast), it will only be my 2nd year teaching 4th grade in Texas.  Hooray for teaching the same grade level two consecutive years!

Two - Classroom Packed

Did you have to pack E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G?

Boy, I sure did.

My school is having the carpet ripped out this summer and putting in tile, so we had to pack everything...including district materials.  It - was -  crazy.  They started collecting textbooks a few weeks before the end of school.  Let me tell you...my students were thrilled to see those go, which I found humorous, because we we rarely use them, but whatever...

Anyway, I also had to take home ALL of my personal items and considering I have only been at my current school for 2 years, I sure had a lot of crap junk stuff educational materials. I ended up having to rent a storage unit to house all my "educational materials". 

To be fair... it's mostly books...tubs... and tubs... and tubs of books, but still.

Three - We Bought a House

My husband and I bought a house or at least we are in the process of buying a house! It's our first home and we are really excited. We decided to buy sort of suddenly and had to do everything in May.  It was crazy!  We had like 2 weeks to look and find something so that we could close before our current lease ends.  Fingers crossed that we close on June 29th and I will acutally have a place to live come July.

So... the packing continues with occasional breaks to blog, read blogs, eat, sleep, and lay by the pool.  Ha, I love summer! Hopefully I will ACTUALLY get some packing done.


  1. Congrats on teaching 4th grade again! Good luck with getting your new house situated! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure


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