June 8, 2013

School, Summer, and Fiction Friday Revival

Woohoo! I made it! I survived the year and I have earned... yes, EARNED my summer vacation.  It's time for afternoon naps, flip flops, and my return to the blogging world. So, hello again loyal readers and friends!


I'm not sure about you, but it was a tough year for me. I don't think that I have ever needed summer vacation more.  We've all had those years, right? 

That class that was just a little extra difficult due to...

a) challenging behaviors (learned helplessness, adhd, oppositional defiance, etc.)
b) low parent involvement or the crazy parent(s)
c) academically low students
d) mean girls and bullies
e) all of the above. 

For me...this year.. it was E- all of the above. Plus, all the pressure for improved test scores coupled with countless hours of intervention and tutoring.  It was a very long exhausting year, no doubt about it. 

But, now it is summer. It is time to reboot.  It is time to re-energize. It is time to get back to blogging and share all the cool stuff we did accomplish this year! Stand by for some great language arts activities, writing projects, math journal ideas, art activities, and more!

It is also time to revive Fiction Friday! For my new readers, Fiction Friday is a linky party I host every week for teachers (or parents) to share books.  Some teachers include lesson plans with the books, while others just share good reads and review the books for us.  It's great fun and we all learn about so many great new titles.  See my Fiction Friday page for more information and check out all the great books I discovered last summer.

So, get ready book lovers. Mark your calendar! Fiction Friday is back starting June 14th. Get ready to link up! I've got some great book to share with you, and I can't wait to see what y'all have been reading this year.



  1. Pretty sure you and I have identical classes. SO tough! I am dying for summer break! Enjoy your time off!

    Chickadee Jubilee

    1. Brutal, huh? The thing is I really liked all my kids individually, but collectively they were a force to be reckoned with. I know you understand. Here's to the summer!! :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear/read that your year was so challenging but I am glad to see that you are back (and it's over)! I hope that this summer is relaxing, revitalizing, refreshing, etc... Can't wait to rejoin Fiction Fridays with you!!!

    :) Nicole
    Tadpole Tidbits

    1. Thanks Nicole! I know summer is exactly what the doctor ordered. I'm already getting excited for next year. The good news is I don't dwell too long. :) I'm so glad you are planning on joining Fiction Friday again. I noticed that several of the books on my Battle of the Books list this year were books you read last year. LOL...Guinea Dog is first up on my reading list. :) Ready, set, read!

  3. Happy summer!!!! Enjoy every second- you deserve it!!!!! We still have two weeks... I'm counting the hours! So glad to have you back! :)

    Soaring Through Second

    1. Hello my corgi friend! It feels good to be back. I can't wait to catch up on your blog and see more corgi pics! Enjoy your last two weeks.

  4. Oh my. I felt the same about this year, sadly. Summer has made it all better. Now i say, "Who?" Ha!

    Can't wait to check out some great books!

    Happy summer!

    1. Summer heals all. Looking forward to sharing book ideas. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. So glad to see you're back! I missed linking up last year, but one of my goals this summer is to read some new TA fiction. Can't wait to join you! :-)

    From Mrs. Allen’s Teaching Files

    1. Oh yay! I would love for you to link up to Fiction Friday. Don't feel like you have to link up on Friday though - any day is great. There is never a bad day to talk books. Hehe.

      Looking forward to your recommendations.

  6. So happy you are back with this! I have already read 8 of the new Sunshine State books, and am looking forward to sharing my favorites.

    Math is Elementary

  7. Glad you are back! Sounds like you had a hard year! Can't wait to participate in Fiction Friday!

  8. It is nice to know I wasn't alone too. Rough years happen and it just makes me more thankful for the summer months. Glad to hear your upcoming group is showing promise. Hoping mine is too.


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