June 13, 2012

Goal Grid and Web 2.0 Tools

Happy Wednesday!

First, thank you to everyone who commented on my last post. It was reassuring and helpful  to know that I'm not alone.  I feel reinvigorated to just keep doing what I love to do - teach, learn, share, and blog! So, let's get on with the blogging!

Recently, I was thinking about something my principal said at a meeting. He said, "Let's not expect kids to do what we ourselves are not doing."  I was thinking about how this applied to goal setting.  I expect my students to set reasonable goals, think of strategies to reach those goals, and reflect on their progress.  We write it all down and make it official. But, do I walk the walk? 

I goal set too... in my own way.  I have list of roughly 100 goals...in my mind. I rarely write things down or say them out loud, so they may or may not come to fruition. But, I have GREAT intentions. Anybody else have this problem?  Please...please... say yes.

So now, it is time to turn my intentions into action.  I made myself a plan regarding technology use in my classroom. 

My goal: To get my students using more technology and creating more products on the computer.

My strategy: Use my technology grid to introduce different programs and activities to my class. 

My progress:  TBA.

Here is my goal grid.  Each box represents one activity or program I want my students to experience this year.  I will cross off each one once I have used it at least once, hopefully more than once.

If I get through all of this I would be SUPER impressed with myself, but I think creating this goal grid will help me prioritize and focus. This is definitely a working document.  

What do y'all think?  What am I missing? Please help!  Add your own post-it to my Linoit Interactive Bulletin  Board  at the bottom of this post with suggestions for other great online web tools for students.  It would be helpful if you would include it in the comments below too... ya know... just for safe keeping. Thank you in advance and I can't wait to see what you'll add.

Really quick, here are links to the activities I have on my board (just in case you need/want them):

What are your favorite Web 2.0 Tools for students?


  1. That is a really great idea!! :)

  2. I am so impressed with your technology to-do list for next year! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas-you introduced me to a couple of new online resources that I can see would be super fun and engaging to use with my class next year as well. I wish that I had some new ideas for you. If I find/think of any I will be sure to share. : )

    1. Thanks Mrs. Corbitt! I really hope I can get to everything. Please do share if you find anything else. This is a working document for sure as technology is always changing and there is always something newer coming out. ~Amanda

  3. Amanda,
    Thank you for visiting my blog! ;) This is a great list of apps. I wrote on the sticky...but I'll post it here too! My advice would be to start small. I have found that our kids come with so many different levels and skills when it comes to technology. However, I have also found that they usually take off when I let them explore. When you introduce a new tool. Show them - then give them plenty of time to explore with it, then have them create a project using the tool. I think that's an important step we skip. I learned the hard way! Kids want to explore and really understand the applications! I look forward to hearing more about your integration of technology in the classroom!
    The Sweet Life of Third Grade

    1. Hi Audrey,
      Thanks for using the sticky. The board looks so much cooler when there is more than one post on it.

      I think you are TOTALLY right about giving the kids time to explore and I'm glad you said it because I would have just jumped right in. I know better than that, but I always feel pressured for time, ya know? Thanks for the reminder. Can you remember to remind me again in the fall when things get hectic? :)

      Thanks for stopping by and adding your thoughts.

  4. I think you have developed a great list of technology tools. I used kidblog with my students everyday. They would use it to publish their essays, collaborate with other classes and use it during work on writing center. I also used Edmodo during book club, as an exit ticket, to communicate with our trucker buddy, collaborate on a book with other classes, and to back channel during a mystery Skype.


    1. Hi Mrs. Shepherd! I was hoping you would stop by because I know how much you use technology in the classroom. I got the idea for Kid Blog from you and I love (said in high pitch voice) it! Edmodo is still really new to me. I may be coming to you for some advice if that's okay. :)

  5. Thanks for the grid idea. It will help me keep organized.

    We make ppt, turn the slides into jpeg and then make into an imovie.

    This next year I want to try stixy; skype more (did it once and the 2nd time our connection was poor); edu.beeclip (like glogster); and storybird...and there was another one like wordle (already forgot it...need to get my grid developed).

    A Time to Share & Create

    1. Hi Pat! I am going to have to check out these other tools. Thanks for the ideas. I just want to find the best and easiest to use with my kids. Time in the computer lab is precious and I don't want to waste it with technology glitches, ya know? I'd love to see your goal grid when you are done. :)

      The Teaching Thief

  6. I look forward to checking all of these out! I am a new follower.

    April @ The Idea Backpack

  7. Through all of these wonderful blogs ( I am becoming addicted) I found a site called Grammaropolis. It is really cool. Check it out.

    1. Awesome! Thanks! I will definitely be checking it out.

  8. Awesome list! I think it helps a lot to have a visual for accomplishing your goals. Have you heard of Today's Meet? It's a private online chatroom and kids don't need a username/password to post. It's one of the easiest Web 2.0 tools in my opinion. I did it with first graders! Oh, and it's FREE! I posted about it a couple weeks ago if you're interested.
    iTeach 1:1


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts!